Sustainability policy

As a professional and a responsible human, I am deeply committed to running a business that is ethical and sustainable, minimising my environmental impact and promoting sustainability through my work.

I’m fortunate enough to be based in the south-west UK surrounded by beautiful Somerset landscape which I cherish and enjoy on a daily basis. I want to help protect our soil, water and air and help other people understand how distant and removed from nature we’ve become as a society. This policy outlines how I strive to do that and reduce my carbon footprint, uphold positive environmental and ethical standards in my business.

1. Sustainable Practices in Photography

1.1. Embracing Digital

  • I prioritise digital photography to minimise the use of paper and ink.

  • I deliver proofs and final images through FTP websites and only print documents when absolutely necessary at home.

1.2. Eco-Friendly Printing

  • When prints are requested, I only ever outsource physical prints to sustainable businesses with printing services that use sustainable materials and eco-friendly inks.

  • I ensure clients are aware that they have options for prints on recycled paper and other sustainable materials.

  • My business cards are printed in recycled cardboard using a mechanical press and eco-friendly inks.

2. Energy Efficiency

2.1. Equipment Usage

  • I invest in energy-efficient photography equipment and keep it well-maintained for optimal performance.

  • I use rechargeable batteries and energy-efficient LED lighting to reduce energy consumption during shoots.

2.2. Office Energy Consumption

  • At home, I implement energy-saving practices such as using LED lighting and energy-efficient appliances.

  • I turn off ALL equipment when not in use and strive to use a green energy supplier for my electricity needs.

3. Transportation

3.1. Reducing Travel Emissions

  • I plan my shoots to minimise travel distance and consolidate trips whenever possible, including staying overnight locally when feasible.

  • For local shoots, I use public transport, carpool, or cycle to reduce my carbon emissions.

3.2. Carbon Offsetting

  • For necessary travel, I try to offset my carbon emissions by donation to carbon offset programs, tree planting (native species on private land) or charitable sponsorship of habitat or improvement programs.

  • I encourage clients to consider the environmental impact when selecting locations and travel arrangements.

4. Waste Reduction

4.1. Waste Management

  • I have a comprehensive recycling program at home and during shoots.

  • I use digital contracts, invoices, book-keeping, banking systems and production records to cut down on paper waste.

4.2. Sustainable Consumables

  • I choose sustainable, biodegradable, or recyclable products for my day-to-day operations and shoots.

  • I avoid single-use plastics and prefer reusable items.

5. Education and Advocacy

5.1. Continuous Learning

  • I continually educate myself on sustainable practices and the importance of reducing environmental impact.

  • In 2024 completed a Level 2 ‘Understanding Climate Change and Environmental Awareness’ course, certified by and run on behalf of the Marine Conservation Society.

  • I seek out new ways to improve my practices and stay informed on the latest environmental policies and innovations.

5.2. Client Engagement

  • I inform my clients about my environmental policies and encourage them to make sustainable choices.

  • I promote eco-friendly options through my marketing and client communications.

6. Continuous Improvement

6.1. Monitoring and Reporting

  • I regularly review and assess my environmental impact and carbon footprint.

  • I set measurable targets for reducing emissions and improving sustainability.

6.2. Policy Updates

  • I aim to stay informed on the latest environmental policies, best practices, and innovations.

  • I update this policy annually to reflect new opportunities for improvement and to comply with evolving standards and regulations.


Every business, and every person, can and should make a difference. By implementing sustainable practices into our lives and continuously seeking ways to reduce our carbon footprint, we are committing to making a positive impact on the environment and contributing to a sustainable future.

Thank you for supporting a greener, more sustainable photo & video practice!

Best regards,
