One of the best bits of advice I was given upon leaving university was 'always do personal work.' As a professional photographer we are employed to create photos for other people, usually with an agenda - which completely affects the whole process. Sooner or later it's difficult to remember what it's like taking photos for yourself (the reason you originally picked up a camera in the first place) so personal projects become important for this reason. 'Untitled' is the home of my explorative personal work.

“The goal of art isn’t to attain perfection, the goal is to share who we are and how we see the world. Artists allow us to see what we are unable to see but somehow already know. Its may be a view of the world singularly different from our own, or one so close it seems miraculous - as if the artist is looking through out own eyes. In either case, the artists perceptions reminds us of who we are, and who we can be. One reason art resonates is because human beings are so similar - were attracted to the shared experience held within the work including the imperfection in it. We recognise some part of ourselves and feel understood, and connected. Karl Rogers said ‘ the personal is the universal. The personal is what makes art matter - our point of view, not drawing skills or musical virtuosity or the ability tor tell a story. “
Rick Rubin The Creative Act